
Digital Marketing for High End Products: Overcoming Challenges & Seizing Opportunities

luxury watch SERPS

Digital Marketing for High End Products: Overcoming Challenges & Seizing Opportunities

Using digital marketing to promote high end products presents a different set of challenges to marketing low cost products. From…

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Google Trends Top Searches UK 2023

Top Google Searches UK 2023

Google has evolved into a dependable navigator, mirroring the curiosities and interests of all. Analysing the most sought-after searches on…

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Choosing the right digital marketing channel for your business

As a digital marketing consultant I’m often asked which digital marketing channel is right for a client’s business. Personally, I’m…

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MVR vs Paid Media ROAS

Using Marketing Efficiency Ratio (MER) To Scale Your Business

What is Marketing Efficiency Ratio? Marketing efficiency ratio (also known as MER) is a relatively new term for a traditional…

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Google Trends Graph For Black Friday

Digital Marketing Strategies for Black Friday

Black Friday, one of the biggest shopping days of the year, has transcended its in-store origins and become a digital…

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YouTube Advertising

Unlocking Business Success: Advertising Your Brand on YouTube

In today’s digital age, the power of visual storytelling cannot be underestimated. Among the myriad of platforms available, YouTube…

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Google Shopping

A step by step guide to advertising your products on Google Shopping

If you’re in the midst of setting up an e-commerce business, you’ll quickly come to realise that advertising your products…

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Keyword report

SEO Landing Page Optimisation For Your Business

The following guide is to help enable business owners and marketing teams identify opportunities to search engine optimise their websites…

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Screaming Frog Website Crawl

Reducing the size of a website to help SEO

If your website has been live for a number of years there is a good chance that it has grown…

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Google Shopping Case Study

Google Shopping Case Study

How to get serious return on ad spend from your Google Shopping campaigns 4 actions to improve performance: Low…

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Bloated Page Code

Are Drag & Drop Page Builders Bad For SEO?

I am seeing more and more clients that have turned to the ease of use of drag and drop page…

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Google Ad Credit Email

Google Ad Credits Have Been Rolled Out In The UK

If you have been running Google Ads campaigns for the majority of 2019 then you should check your accounts as…

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Targeting with in-market audiences

Using Google’s In-market Audiences to Grow Your Business

Google Ads has really upped its game in the past few years. In a valid attempt to compete with Facebook…

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Facebook Shop Set Up

How to quickly start taking online orders for your business

The recent pandemic has caused a lot of businesses to adapt and one big shift has been from bricks and…

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Free digital marketing tools for your start-up business

Setting up a new business can be an expensive time. Most of your budget will be used on just setting…

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Paid ad in Google maps

3 ways to drive footfall to your business with digital marketing (and measure success)

If you have a business that relies on passing footfall then you will be aware of the ups and downs…

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Man holding phone representing social media strategy

7 tips to grow your Facebook page followers

Imagine having 10,000 people following your page. That gives your business an advertising platform to an audience of 10,000 people…

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FAQ Featured Snippet

How to implement FAQ schema mark-up

Most website have some sort of FAQ or Q&A pages to help visitors find the answers they need quickly. Well…

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What is digital marketing consultancy?

Digital marketing consultancy is a service that offers expert advice on all aspects of digital marketing including SEO (search engine…

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