What is SEO Consultancy?

Technical website audits

I can audit your website to give you a detailed report on the changes needed to get you where you want to be. This will cover everything from:

  • Title tags
    An important ranking factor. Are you making the most from the available 60 characters?
  • Meta descriptions
    Increase click through rate to your website and you will improve your rankings
  • Schema mark-up
    Tell Google about the elements of your website
  • Content optimisation
    Find out where your content ranks on Google and how to rank higher
  • Canonical & hreflang tags
    Make sure you are not suffering from duplicate content issues
  • Semantic keywords
    Understand all the keywords your website could be ranking for as it will be more than just one
  • Site structure
    Don’t let your website structure hold back your rankings
  • Page speed 
    If your web pages are is taking over 3 seconds to load then you will be losing customers

Optimising all of these elements will help boost your site’s organic visibility. I can work with you to fix any issues or connect you to a web developer, if you need one.

Keywords analysis

Understanding which keywords you could be ranking for will give you a competitive advantage in your sector. I’ll help you prioritise the keywords you’re most likely to rank for and help you understand how to rank for new ones. There’s nothing better for SMEs than getting FREE, relevant traffic.

This analysis can also help you with a PPC (pay per click) strategy, if you want to expand your reach even further.

Content strategy

A good content strategy will drive relevant traffic to your website at very little cost. Understanding how to get your content ranking for relevant queries in Google will help you target the right people for your business. If you don’t have the skills or time to write good-quality content, I can help you with that. I have a proven track record of writing SEO focused content that does the following:

  • Landing page copy that ads value and ranks for high volume search terms
  • Target featured snippets (position zero listings)
  • Target quick answers
  • Blogs and news articles that rank for multiple long tail phrases

Backlink analysis

By auditing the links pointing to your website I can get a good idea of how Google perceives your website. If you have hundreds or even thousands of low quality links pointing your website your website may have a low trust metric. This can be addressed by either getting the links removed or by uploading a disavow file to Google Search Console.

Backlink analysis can also be carried out on your competitors website which can be a great way to generate ideas around content (that generates links) or partnerships with other websites that will improve your rankings and drive increased revenue.

How does SEO consultancy work?

SEO consultancy is usually paid for on a project basis or on a daily rate. This differs from working with an SEO agency which will usually expect to work on a retainer over a longer period of time. The benefits of working with a SEO consultant are that you can choose how much you want to spend and you are not tied to big contracts.

Contact me today and I’ll run a free analysis on your website so you know exactly where you are ranking.

    Contact Me Now For a Free Audit on Your Website or Paid Media Account >>>

    108 Taff Embankment, Cardiff, CF11 7BH, Wales, UK

    07969 670 827

    108 Taff Embankment, Cardiff, CF11 7BH, Wales, UK

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