If you have been running Google Ads campaigns for the majority of 2019 then you should check your accounts as you may have just been given some free credit by Google.

Google Ad Credit Email
Check you email inbox for an email from Google Ads

How do you qualify for Google Ads credit?

If your Google Ads account has been running for 10 out of 12 months in 2019 and in January / February of 2020 then you should have a credit note in your account which will look like this…

Google Ad Credit Notification
Google Ads credit notification

How much ad credit will you get?

The amount will vary based on historical spend but will be up to a maximum of £797 (£1,000 US dollars). You will have until the end of the year to spend the credit on any Google advertising.

Why is Google giving out free money?

The free credit is designed to help small businesses to re-engage with potential customers during the remainder of the year. The COVID-19 crisis has severely affected SMBs so this money is designed to help them get back up and running. Google has had to set up a new system to apply this credit to the account, so this is a great way to test it is working. Hopefully they will use it again!

What should you spend the credit on?

My advice would be to test a proportion of the money on something new like targeting a new in-market audience or responsive display ads. If you would like any advice on how to spend your credit then contact me and I can check your account to see what might work for you, free of charge.

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