Content Production

I can create a content strategy for your business, based on what people are searching for. This will dramatically increase the chances of your content ranking in Google or being clicked on in social media. The benefits of well-written, optimised content are –

  • Better Google rankings
  • Higher click through rate from search and social media
  • Backlinks to your website

Website content

I’ve worked on content strategies for companies ranging from start-ups to FTSE 100s, and I can do the same for your business.

Website content covers a whole host of areas on your site including:

  • Landing pages 
  • Customer journey 
  • Blog content 

While each of the above need a different approach and tone, they’re all working hard to draw in customers, gain trust and ultimately lead to your main goal – conversions. 

Optimised website copy will also push your site further up Google’s rankings, and from that point there are lots of ways to make your content stand out in the search results. 

I have proven experience of getting featured snippets in Google, which can drastically increase relevant traffic to your website and improve brand awareness. 

I can show you how to optimise your content for several rich snippets including “People Also Ask” on Google. The more space you’re taking up on Google search results, the less room there is for your competitors. 

Social media content

Writing copy for social media posts and advertising takes a different approach again. Generating a high click through rate from social media can dramatically reduce your cost per click and allows you to reach more people.

Having spent hundreds of thousands of pounds advertising for other businesses on social media, I know which types of content perform well and I can apply those learnings to your business.

Video content

Did you know YouTube is the second biggest search engine? Second only to Google, which happens to own YouTube. 

I can show you how to make sure your YouTube channel is set up properly and that all your tags and descriptions are optimised for Google rankings. 

Not there yet? I can help you build up a bank of beautiful video content to launch on YouTube and use for promotional ads on several social platforms.

Contact me today to discuss your content needs and I’ll give you my advice for free.

    Contact Me Now For a Free Audit on Your Website or Paid Media Account >>>

    108 Taff Embankment, Cardiff, CF11 7BH, Wales, UK

    07969 670 827

    108 Taff Embankment, Cardiff, CF11 7BH, Wales, UK

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