Setting up a Facebook business page is one of the first steps to advertising your business on Facebook. Facebook won’t allow you to set up ads on their platform without a business page, and neither should you want to. 

When you’re spending money on Facebook advertising it isn’t always going to convert – the average conversion rate across all industries is 9.21%. This means 90% of people clicking your ads won’t convert at that time. However, if they like your Facebook Business page, then chances are they could convert at a later date. 

Imagine having 100,000 people following your page. That gives your business an advertising platform to an audience of 100,000 people who are engaged with your brand, and you can advertise to them for free via organic Facebook posts. 

But how do you get to 100,000 Facebook likes? Here are few tips to grow your following. 

How to tag in Facebook
  1. Get tagging
    Tag as many people or brands as you can in your posts. Obviously this needs to be relevant to your post, but if someone’s wearing a Rolex in you photo then tag Rolex. This will get your posts noticed and hopefully shared. Every time your post gets shared by someone or a brand, it reaches more people which grows your reach. To tag a post simply type the @ sign followed by the brand name e.g. 
  2. Promote
    Make sure all your digital marketing communications include links to your Facebook page. Add icons to all emails, to your website and even printed promotions or labels. Every touch point with a potential customer is an opportunity to get them to like your Facebook page. You can even spell this out to them e.g. Follow us on Facebook to see content related to XXXX  
  3. Email your email database 
    There’s no shame in self-promotion. If your Facebook page is sharing genuinely interesting content, then why not email your email list and ask them to follow your page. There should be little difference between the number of people are signed up to your email and the number of people who follow your page. 
  4. Use hashtags
    Hashtags work just like tagging people and brands to get you more reach with new audiences. You can use hashtags to tag locations, brands or even better, trending hashtags. Hashtagify is a great tool for finding trending hashtags on Twitter, which you can apply to Facebook. Always keep your hashtags relevant to your post though, there’s no point using #cute on a post about bike parts as it will attract the wrong audience. 
  5. Use video content
    Facebook is pushing video content more and more as it tries to compete with YouTube as a credible video platform. Video also gets more engagement and shares which will make life easier when inviting people to like your page (more on this later) 
  6. Promote your Facebook posts through Facebook Business Manager 
    The targeting options in Facebook are very powerful which means you can target the people who should be interested in your page and posts. Try targeting people who are interested in similar brands and Facebook pages, or create a lookalike audience based on your current page likes 
  7. Invite people to like your page
    This is the most important part of growing your Facebook following. You can invite anyone who has liked your Facebook posts to like your page. This process will dramatically increase the number of people following your page and is a great by-product of paid Facebook advertising. If only 10% of your paid Facebook traffic is converting then by getting some of that 90% of non-converting traffic to like your page, you have a better chance of converting those potential customers  later. Take it slowly though, if Facebook sees you’re inviting 100s of people to like your page within a short time frame, it will block you from doing this. 

Good luck with growing your following, and if you need help with any of the above the please get in touch through the form below. 

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